Isaac Swindle

Comics Publishing Professional

Hi, Welcome to My Homepage

My name is Isaac Swindle and I am a (soon to be) graduate of Portland State University’s Book Publishing master’s program.

This website is my Digital Publishing Portfolio, designed to showcase the skills and experience I have to offer as a publishing professional.

Much of my portfolio is available to view. Some of my work is confidential, but feel free to contact me if you’d like to take a closer look. You can also take a look at my publishing industry and comics research too!

A passion for traditional and comics publishing.

These are just a few of the areas I have had opportunities to develop in throughout my career. You can check out specific examples of each section on my Portfolio page!

Proofreading and Copyediting

Throughout my time with Portland State University, as well as freelancing, I have had ample opportunity to hone my editing skills. I have worked with manuscripts, comic scripts, dissertations, and more!

Book and Collateral Design

I have also had the opportunity to work on the designs for a variety of materials, including books, tipsheets and catalog inserts. My most recent project has been lettering Ooligan Press’ upcoming YA nonfiction graphic novel, The Pacific Northwest Disaster Guide!

Marketing and Publicity

Alongside designing sales materials, I have also had the opportunity to write copy and develop marketing plans and publicity strategies!

All Things Comics!

Comic books are my passion and I have developed my skills to become an excellent editor of sequential art narratives. I have a deep understanding of the comic book publishing industry and work to continue to help it grow.